Week 4: Twenty Love Poems - Neruda
The poems in twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair were very interesting to read and in many ways different from poems I’ve read in the past. Each poem follows this overarching theme of nature and uses this to find the beauty in so many little elements of love and attraction. However, these poems were not like many love poems I've read before, in fact they did not always feel as though they were objectively idealizing love, but rather providing a more raw and honest description of all its messy elements. Much like the seasons itself these poems followed a sort of cycle of life. The poems felt driven by Neruda's bodily experiences of lust and love as well as by his perspective of the physical world. Neruda writes as though he is infatuated by women in the same way that humans become infatuated by nature. We often look at nature in awe and wonder, and Neruda looks at women in this same way. From an outside perspective he sees the rolling hills and breaking waves of nature and ...